What was your favourite film as a child?
Mine was Mrs Doubtfire.
I'd watch it so much I could real off almost the entire film verbatim. I almost wore out the VHS.
I watched a few YouTube clips as I was writing this blog post, and I could still pretty much recite them word for word.
Watching Robin Williams become so many different characters when he searched for the perfect alter-ego showed off his comic skill and acting chops so much better than any showreel.
The best copy is indistinguishable from your client’s voice.
It should sound as if they wrote it themselves.
So how on earth do you begin to embody someone else’s voice in your writing?
Well, it all comes down to three things.
Your vocabulary—Simple and straightforward, or complex and convoluted?
Your tone of voice—exiting and casual, or formal and informative?
Your cadence—short and punchy, or flowing and descriptive?
Your writing voice is as distinctive as your accent and individual as your fingerprint, and in the next few weeks, I’ll be adding voice guides to the services I’ll be offering to clients.
I can’t wait to ‘do voices’ even more!