Imitation—the sincerest form of flattery


Jeff Buckley singing Hallelujah…

Johnny Cash with Hurt…

Soft Cell and Tainted Love…

Three of (in my opinion) the best covers ever recorded.

And whenever you hear a cover version of your favourite song, no matter how good it is, it’s always a little…jarring.

The words are all there. It’s the same song, but…well…it’s different.

And it’s the same with your writing voice.

If you hire someone to write on your behalf, no matter how good they are, it’ll always be a cover version of you.

And some cover versions are amazing (think Hot House Flowers’ version of I Can See Clearly Now).

but some are…

William Shatner taking on Rocket Man 😳


But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Whether you’re a new startup looking to create a brand voice from scratch, an existing brand wanting to define your voice a little more, or you’re looking to recruit writers who sound just like you, a Voice Guide will do all of that and more.


Tell me more…

Your voice boils down to three simple ingredients:




Simple and straightforward, or cunningly complex, your words are powerful weapons.

Choose them wisely.



Soft and gentle, or strong and forceful.

Your tone adds depth and emotion to your writing— the much-needed seasoning to your words.



The all-important rhythm. Whether you write in long, flowing, perfectly punctuated prose that goes on and on, or short. Sharp. Sentences. Packing punch.

And a Voice Guide is your recipe, telling you exactly how much much of each you need to add to come out sounding just right.

I Do Voices…

Want me to do yours?