A Complete Sales and Messaging System for your Brand

The Circuit Sales System brings all the consistency of evergreen offers and combines it with the urgency and excitement a live launch—with non of the stress.

Instead, each customer gets their own, automated “live launch,” and you to watch your course or programme fill with you ideal customers on autopilot.

To find out more about the Circuit Sales System, click the button below.


What’s involved?

For such a transformative programme, there’s a fair amount of copy required… but luckily for you, I’ve been through the course, passed the certification, and I’m here to help you set your earnings onto autopilot.



Perfect for you’re a decent writer, but you're not sure if it’s writing that sells.

Or maybe your words are a little… flat or lacking emotion.

Through regular calls and feedback sessions, I’ll help you to polish up your copy and make your words pop.


Rather I was a little more of an active partner? No problem!

I’ll take your rough drafts and ideas and zhuzh them up and make them shine.



If you’re feeling more than a little… overwhelmed at the thought of writing it it all and you’d rather I just make it go away, let me take the wheel and together, we’ll make magic happen!

Whatever you need, send me a message and let’s chat about how I can help get your Circuit up and running


Here are some of the clients I’ve worked with


Helen Munshi

Helen is a business growth strategist & Quiz Funnels expert—and has no problem in writing copy for her business.

But in her words, she was “overwhelmed with the number of emails that I needed to write and didn’t know where to start”

I wrote the automated sales emails that drive Helen’s customers to join her Quiz Academy.

Rebecca Thomas

Rebecca helps people to lose weight without dieting, so they can calm the inner dialog, sleep well, and feel like their best self for a lifetime.

Having published a number of viral Medium articles describing how she transformed her life, and even appearing on national TV to explain how she did it, Rebecca has developed a programme to help others do the same.

Rebecca hired me to coach her and help her to develop the script for her training video.


Madeleine Wyke Silva

Madeleine is the founder and CEO of the Hello 7-Figure Freedom method, a business scaling solution to help visionary CEOs scale their six-figure business.

She enables them to simplify the chaos in their business and to make 6-figure months and 7-figure years—consistently.

Madeleine hired me to write her full circuit, including video script, emails, and even referral marketing materials in a 4-month project.

It involved countless client interviews, researching podcasts and documents, and getting to know her business inside out.


If you’d like to see your name up here, drop me a message and let’s see what we can create together.