Advantage | Allergan Aesthetics


Bttr. were tasked with creating a new design system for Advantage, the HCP Platform for Allergan Aesthetics.

In April 2021, I was hired to rewrite multiple assets include video scrips, website copy, and printed collateral to increase the engagement of the Health Care Providers who use the Advantage platform worldwide.

What was The Task?

The initial challenge with this project was rewriting the Advantage value proposition, and getting to grips with the tone of voice changes Allergan Aesthetics wished to implement.

What was the approach?

An additional layer of complexity is the extremely rigorous legal and compliance process that such a big pharma brand needs to carry out to enable any collateral to be published. Writing within these constraints was a challenge, but certainly stretched my creativity.

Maintaining a consistent tone of voice and vocabulary involved creating a library of approved assets, phrases, and vocabulary, to ensure the look and feel across multiple media was maintained.

The scope of the project was significant, including:

  • Full website rewrites

  • Printed packaging inserts

  • Scripts for promotional videos

  • How To Guides to support onboarding

  • Dynamic banner ads promoting new content

Below are some of the final assets produced:


Advantage Teaser—shared with Health Care providers as a trailer to launch, the project was intended to generate excitement for the forthcoming product launch.

A shipping insert designed to encourage users to visit the Advantage site

To help Advantage’s customers get to grips with the new features available in Advantage, I scripted a series of “How To” videos to showcase what they could do.