I’ve been working with a long-term client over the last few months to review and refine her customer journey.
She currently uses a free mini-course that she’s incredibly proud of—rightly so.
It’s jam-packed with value, demonstrates her teaching style, and serves as a great introduction to her brand and what she stands for.
It’s not generating the engagement we’d like from her new subscribers.
The sad truth is that people don't value FREE, so you only have limited time to grab that engagement.
And while her email list generates the majority of her revenue and fills her courses and launches incredibly well, I couldn’t help but notice:
Too many subscribers weren’t taking the leap to become paying customers.
Here’s the new strategy we’re rolling out to fix that:
1️⃣ A New PDF Lead Magnet
We’ve created a downloadable guide that delivers three major breakthroughs for her new subscribers.
It’s bold and direct and takes a stand against some of the ideas in her industry with which she strongly disagrees.
To keep new subscribers connected to her teaching style, we’re adding an embedded video on the confirmation page. It’s personal, welcoming, and sets the tone for what they can expect.
2️⃣. Driving Traffic To Waitlist Pages
Each of the breakthroughs in the lead magnet aligns with one of her signature courses that launch throughout the year.
We’re inviting subscribers to join the waitlists if they want to learn more, giving us a great way to plant the seed for future launches and give revenue a boost, too.
3️⃣ Monetising the Welcome Sequence
After downloading the guide, new subscribers enter a Welcome Sequence that will promote one of her most popular low-ticket evergreen courses.
It’s been a proven winner in the past, so instead of starting from scratch, we’re repurposing an existing promo sequence to keep things streamlined.
This three-pronged approach will:
Attract her ideal clients while naturally filtering out those who aren’t a good fit.
Boost future course launches by engaging warm, pre-qualified leads.
Introduce her new subscribers to a high-value, low-ticket course that teaches essential skills they’re keen to learn.
By rethinking her strategy, we’re boosting revenue, increasing engagement, and positioning her as a trusted expert in her space.
It’s so easy to set up a lead magnet and let it do its thing on autopilot, but sometimes, taking a step back and reviewing the entire customer journey can have a huge impact.
If you’d like me to take a look at your lead-gen strategy, send me a message.
I’d love to help! 👀